Sunday, October 10, 2010

Making Dutch Butter Cookies

So, today I decided I was going to make this delicious recipe I found at home called Dutch Butter Cookies. And, I know, I know, it sounds kind of nasty at first, you think "BUTTER? Eww, gross." But butter isn't even the main ingredient you taste, in these amazing cookies! It tasted absolutely fabulous; warm and sweet, with a nice cup of tea, on this cold October day.

I was all ready and set to begin my cooking today, when I realized, I didn't have enough sugar. So, there is the first lesson to be learned: ALWAYS CHECK FOR ALL INGREDIENTS, FIRST. So, I guess its good to be friends with all your neighbors, you never know when you will need a cup of sugar!

So here is how to make these scrumptious cookies:
Ingredients Needed:
~1 3/4 cups of flour
~1 1/2 sticks of butter
~1 cup of sugar
~1 egg

In a bowl, knead everything together. For those of you who don't know what "knead" is, it means to punch the dough almost. Just not too violently. Then, spread the mixture in the bottom of a 9" spring form type pan. Bake in the oven at 375 for 30-35 minutes. Sprinkle sugar on top after it has been removed from the oven. Let it cool off, 2-3 minutes.Cut into wedges and serve warm.

After I made them, I gave a piece to everyone in my family, and they said they liked it!My younger siblings in particular, who like just about everything that contains sugar, enjoyed it the most. It was a fun experience, and I will definitely be cooking something else for next time!

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